Saturday, March 31, 2007


People from Darfur need protection.
They need protection in the refugee camp to start with.
A human shield will not protect them.
The situation there is: Bows and Arrows Vs. AK 47
They need guns to protect them.
Unfortunately I am not a soldier.
Unfortunately our governments have been aware of the crisis for quite sometime now whether they choose to call it a genocide or not.
What have they done: Nothing.
UN: Nothing.
Where and WHEN are we gonna find the gun to save their lives?
People in Darfur are NOT dying, they are being MASSACRED while I'm writing.
All the people in this world who don't wanna start this new millennium with a genocide for they know the catastrophic repercussions of such atrocities:
What are we gonna do???

PS: If you are not aware of what is happening in Sudan right now just google DARFUR so you can see and feel for yourselves. In the US they’re many associations in various states to put pressure on the Senate. In France are the one to contact.

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