Saturday, March 31, 2007


Now I guess you must be wondering about the Sacred Run I referred to earlier.
What is it?
What was it like?
Where did you run to and from?
How long did it last?
Let’s just said we were led by Dennis J Banks from the American Indian Movement.
to cover more than 4000 miles, coast to coast, (13 states) in less than 3 month.
Joe Stillwater and I were filming and running (5 to 15 miles/day) through out the whole thing.
The film is now in post production and while I’m cutting and trimming I am absolutely clueless on the time it will take me to get it together. Filmmaking has always been a combo of magic and miracles and like JL Godard once told me:
“Un film c’est jamais fini…”

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